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Help for IBS and other gut disorders


  • Probiotics  ( article)
    Oral probiotics are living micro-organisms which, upon digestion in certain numbers, exert health benefits beyond inherent basic nutrition.
    Probiotics  (Wikipedia article)
    Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeast, with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as the most common microbes used. LAB have been used in the food industry for many years, because they are able to convert sugars (including lactose) and other carbohydrates into lactic acid.

    Note: Genki Foods differ from most probiotics supplements in that Genki Foods are fermented foods. Probiotic supplements are produced in laboratory environments and usually contain only the freeze dried microbes and possibly one or more stabilizers and/or culturing substrates. Genki Foods are shelf stable because the microbes have not been removed from the environment they were created in. This environment is a whole food complex containing lactic acid and other organic acids which helps to naturally preserve both the microbes and their food source.

    What are Probiotics?  (WebMD article)
    Probiotics are small organisms that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines.
  • Gut Flora  (Wikipedia article)
    The gut flora are the microorganisms that normally live in the digestive tract and can perform a number of useful functions for their hosts.
  • Prebiotics  (Wikipedia article)
    Prebiotics are a category of functional food, defined as: Non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, and thus improve host health.

    Typical dietary sources of prebiotics are soybeans, Jerusalem artichokes (which contain inulin), raw oats, unrefined wheat and unrefined barley. The prebiotic oligosaccharides that naturally occur in breast milk are believed to play an important role in the development of a healthy immune system in infants.

    Note: The raw malt in the Genki Foods powders serve as prebiotics.

What to Expect When You Change Your Diet
by Dr. Stanley Bass, N.D., D.C., Ph.C., Ph.D., D.O., D.Sc., D.D.
Holistic vs. Allopathic in Nutritional Health by Dr. Michael Breen BPE(Hon) DC
12 Points on Lactobacillus Acidophilus by Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray
12 Points on Enzymes by Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray
12 Points on Minerals by Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray

1146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.

White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan by Dani Veracity

Unhappy Meals by Michael Pollan. Published in the New York Times: January 28, 2007

The story of how basic questions about what to eat got so complicated reveals a great deal about the institutional imperatives of the food industry, nutritional science and journalism.

In the Media

'Healthy' bacteria help keep you in balance  (

(CNN) -- A daily dose of good bacteria may be just what your doctor orders. A probiotic supplement or food product helps to replenish the good bacteria in our bodies, help fight infection and boost immune function.
Probiotics show promise in treating colitis  (
A new Canadian study has found that simple "probiotic" bacteria are effective in treating ulcerative colitis, a painful disease caused by an immune system attack on the body's intestinal tissue and colon.
Bacteria find could lead to bowel disease therapy  (
Although typically we think of bacteria as being bad things, there are many, many bugs in the bowel that are good bacteria, and in fact, we need to have that balance to keep the bowel in check and to fend off bad bacteria.
Nova Scotia teen's paper published in the CMA Journal  (
Lindsey Edmunds' work on probiotics began as a Grade 10 science fair project. Lindsey, 17, is now in Grade 12. She became interested in the subject when her sister Andrea had digestive-tract problems after taking antibiotics to treat a sinus infection.

It had turned out that the antibiotics had killed all of the friendly bacteria that you need in your intestines to keep you healthy, and that just made her really sick and the doctors just didn't know that's what was going on, so they just kept giving her more antibiotics, which was just making the process even worse, said Lindsey on Canada AM.

Diet helps control inflammatory bowel symptoms  (
People with inflammatory bowel disease have too many bad bacteria, and not enough good bacteria (probiotics).
Priobiotics: Beneficial bacteria?  (
Researchers believe that at least some of these native bugs crowd out invading organisms that cause illness, by using resources that the bad bugs need and producing chemicals that kill them. Eat more of the helpful bacteria, the theory goes, and you can stave off stomach problems.

"It seems to work with the body's natural defenses to prevent the overgrowth of a bad bug," says Dr. Sherwood Gorbach, a professor of community health and medicine at Tufts University in Boston.

Articles On the Web

Probiotics: Are Bugs a Man's Best Friend?  (

Natural bacteria have been a popular folk remedy for intestinal afflictions for thousands of years, and can be found in various forms at most health food stores. Dairy foods, particularly yogurt that contain live bacterial cultures, have long been used to prevent or treat common intestinal problems.
Good Bacteria Importance Documented  (
A new review article focuses on the use of probiotics in childhood gastrointestinal disorders, emphasizing the importance of balancing the diverse range of microbes in the gastrointestinal tract for effective prevention and treatment of conditions such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory disorders.
Gut health may be key to allergy prevention  (
Changes in gut microflora caused by widespread use of antibiotics and today’s high-fat, low-fibre diet could be responsible for a major increase in allergies in recent years, say researchers.
Probiotic Microbes Could Be A Key To Good Health  (
Medical researchers are finding that one of the keys to good health could be living in our guts - specifically, in the world of microbes that live in our digestive tracks.
100 Trillion Bacteria in Your Gut: Learn How to Keep the Good Kind There  (
Medical researchers are finding that one of the keys to good health could be living in our guts - specifically, in the world of microbes that live in our digestive tracks.
Probiotic bacteria may stop HIV infection  (
Probiotic bacteria appear to tackle the HIV virus and may even stop it from being transferred from a mother to her children, said researchers at the American Society for Microbiology general meeting.
Probiotics for mothers may boost infant immunity  (
Mothers taking probiotic supplements appear to have higher levels of an anti-inflammatory molecule in their breast milk, which could offer their babies better protection against allergy and other diseases, according to new findings.
How Probiotics help lower cholesterol  (
Recent medical studies at the Shinshu University in Japan find that Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria can suppress the reabsorption in the liver of bile acids carrying cholesterol and improve the removal of cholesterol from blood.

Resources On the Web

Note: I do not have direct experience with any of the following sites, but I find their information and/or proposed method of treatment in line with my approach which is generally to eat high quality foods, assist your body to detoxify and reduce stress levels.

Research Reference

The intestine and its microflora are partners for the protection of the host  (Amercian Journal of Clinical Nutrition)

The intestine is an extremely complex living system that participates in the protection of the host through a strong defense against aggressions from the external environment. This defensive task is based on 3 constituents that are in permanent contact and dialog with each other: the microflora, mucosal barrier, and local immune system.
Probiotic trial in autistic children stopped early due to success  (Science Oct. 24, 2006)
Probiotics could act as analgetics in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?  (Nature Dec. 2006)
Recently Desreumaux et al. (Nature, dec 2006) have shown that Lactobacillus acidophilus can modulate intestinal pain.
Gut flora in health and disease  (PubMed)
Probiotics and prebiotics are known to have a role in prevention or treatment of some diseases.

 Science Mother Nature Nutrition 

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